
Treatment procedures

According to current definition pain is an uncomfortable, sensual and emotional experience joined with real or potential damage of tissue.

We can help patients that suffer with:

  1. back pain:
    • acute discogenic pain of vertebrae
    • pain from facet joints (small joints connecting the vertebras)
    • pain caused by spinal stenosis
    • pain originating from sacroiliac joint
    • ischias/ radiculopathy (pinched nerve)
    • pain caused by an unsuccessful surgery of vertebrae (postlaminectomic pain)
    • intercostal neuralgia (pain of the ribs)
  2. headache
  3. pelvic pain
  4. joint pain
  5. pain caused by diabetic neuropathy
  6. pain caused by shingles and post herpetic neuralgia u
  7. pain caused by peripheral vascular disease
  8. pain related with complex regional pain syndrome
  9. pain related to cancer
  10. pain caused by brain and spinal cord injury

In our clinic we use the most progressive methods and techniques in accordance to the newest medical findings.

This is possible thanks to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including but not limited to:

  1. advanced function tests,
  2. diagnostic blockades under radioscope or sonogram
  3. peripheral selective nerve blockades
  4. epidurograms
  5. provocative discography- serve in elimination or confirmation if the source of pain is the intervertebral disc
  6. selective radiofrequency ablation of nervers- removal of nerves responsible for carrying pain (using a directed heat effect of electric current on the frequency of radio waves applied through a special electrode on a specific location in human body)
  7. epidural neurolyses- removal of nerve adhesion in epidural location
  8. epidural administration of steroids- substances with great anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effect
  9. sympathetic nerve blockade- for verification or elimination of the source of pain and its therapeutic influence
  10. administration of steroids to joints (clearing swelling and inflammation) or substances with viscosity effect
  11. administration of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) (anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect)
  1. Epidular administration of medicaments:
    • Interlaminar (middle) epidural administration of steroids
    • Transforaminal epidual administration of steroids
    • Epidural blood stop
  2. Selective nerve root blocks:
    • Blockade of facet joint
    • Medial branch blockade
    • intra-articular facet blockades
  3. Radiofrequency ablation/neuro-destruction/denervation:
    • Medial branches
    • Intercostal nerves
  4. Interventive pulse radiofrequency
  5. Intervertebral spaces
  6. IDET/annuloplasty/biacuplasty:
    • Decompression of disc/nucleoplasty
    • Discography/discogram
    • Provocative discography
  7. Blokády sympatikového nervového systému:
    • blokáda ganglion stellatum
    • blokáda plexus celiacus
    • blokáda lumbálneho sympaticka
    • blokáda plexus hypogastric superior
  8. Neurolyses of sympathetic nervous system:
    • Neurolyses ganglion stellatum
    • Neurolyses plexus celiacus
    • Neurolyses of lumbar sympathetic
    • Neurolyses plexus hypogastric superiorr
  9. Neuromodulation:
    • Peripheral nerve stimulation
    • Intrathecal application od medicaments
  10. Peripheral nerve blockades:
    • Iliohypogastric
    • Ilioinguinal
    • Genitofemoral
    • Intracostal
    • Occipital
    • Supratrochlear
    • Superciliary arch
    • Pudendal
  11. Intra-articular/intra-joint injection
    • Hip joint
    • Knee
    • Sacroiliac joint
    • Shoulder
  12. Injection bursitis
  13. Intravenous diagnostic infusion
  14. Injection of trigger points
  15. BTX injection
  16. CT scan/x-ray
  17. MRI screening for diagnostic purposes

The first step is the correct diagnosis of the pain source or cause using interventional techniques followed by a complex therapeutic process– treatment of pain.

Diagnostics and treatment always take place under an ultrasound or an X-ray. A small dose of local anesthetics is carefully injected to the diagnosed location, this reveals if this is the correct source of pain. On the base of this, treatment can be set for a specific diagnosis.

In many cases we are also able to eliminate the source of pain:

  1. by administration of corticoids to pain sores- which reduces inflammation, stopping the vicious cycle which eventually causes the spiral effect of pain intensity
  2. or using radiofrequency ablation

Interventional methods of pain treatment is a very effective treatment approach, as it brings relief to the specific location of its source.

Most of our patients suffer:

  1. back pain
  2. pain caused by oncological diseases
  3. pain caused by neuropathy caused by diabetes
  4. migraines– we can significantly lower pain intensity without using pills
  5. knee pain
  6. pain of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle
  7. tennis elbow

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