About us


Center for pain treatment - Pain clinic

Are you suffering from long-term chronic pain? Do you suffer from chronic, long-term pain? In our Center for pain treatment Pain Clinic, we provide specialized care to help patients feel good again.

Price list Our team

Interventional pain treatment

In Pain Clinic Center we work with interventional methods to treat chronic pain. Interventional treatment, first of all requires correct diagnostics of the cause of pain using intervention techniques following a complex therapeutic process. Algesiology is mainly concerned with treatment of chronic pain. Chronic pain is characterized by lasting longer than 3 months or longer than is usual for a specific type of injury. Once physicians from other fields of medicine aren’t able to relieve the patient of their pain, algesiologists are the ones who are specialized to bring this relief.

More about treatment

Your search for the true pain relief has ended!

  • Long-term pain can take-over your entire life
  • It does not only have to be a source of constant painful sensations
  • It can become totally overwhelming
  • It interferes with your ability to do things you want and need to do

Part of our PAIN CLINIC CENTER are

  • An Anesthesiology & Intensive medicine practice,
  • An Algesiology practice (treatment of acute and chronic pain)
  • An Interventional Algesiology (diagnostic and therapeutic interventional techniques in pain treatment)
  • Neurosurgery practice

Make your appointment online
using our E-consultation system

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